Bin doin a lot of readin dis here daze
but i also bin doin a lot or writin too
except that i bin puttin pen on paper rather
than typin away on the computer
its a totally different vyb..that is typin vs writin
tho is the same thing is got a different feel to it
whe yu type you easily and quickly erase and start over [backspace]
yet wehn yu write yu can cancel but not necessarily erase
so the thot stays and it lingers and at times yu expand on it or continue with it
but this new high teck thats simplifies everyting and forcibly hurries us thru life
yu end up hurrying up yo thots and erasing them and doin all sorts of funny things with them
whereas when yu put pen on paper, yu get to relax a bit and ponder a bit
yeah i like writing the ol fashioned way
i even still write letters to peeps and especially mah moms
who hasn't caught on to this high teck world and she neva will and i enjoy her fo that
i jot down thots and ideas and quotes and ramblings and sightings and events and dates and things to do...
yeah i still like scribbling away on any piece of paper tht i lay mah hands on
and i also enjoy re-reading them after a long while
and also, when yu is writing, yo head is facin downwards
so dem thots can spill and spiral down your arm until they get to your fingers
and they come out thru dem fingers and flow on to the paper via the pen
when yu is typin yo head is facin fowards and seem to be detached from your being
and attached to that screen, almost as if the thots come out from the screen an not from within you
but as i hav always maintained
tis the thot that counts
so whicheverway it comes out
is better than keepin it in
in ya dis ya time