sabato 11 dicembre 2010

Linea 105 - Cento Cinque

there is a circulating joke among insiders
that goes sumtin like this:
do yu kno what the 105 [105 is the bus number] stands for?
It stands fo; 100 foreigners and 5 italians including the bus driver riding in that bus
And that’s not far from the truth
The bus leaves from termini [rome central station] up to grotte celoni along via Casalina
105 is not only 105 but its express tho it makes all the stops along the route
And its almost the only bus that covers that casalina route
And as an insider you will know that that is where you will find the immigrants in rome
That’s where most of us live and all the immigrants shops and businesses are located
You will be overwhelmed by the number of foreign faces packed in that bus
the route goes sumthing like this:

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