The other side of the story - The golden ages of Africa
by Djehuti-Ankh-Kheru
'And still the notion p0revails that the history of 'africa only started with the arrival of the first European 'explorers', who quickly proceeded to all forms of disreputable trade which eventually culminated in the colonization of the continent. To this day it is overlooked that from the very earliest times, high cultures and true civilizations existed in Africa, and that these high cultures could be found all over the continent. But unfortunately, the image of a civilized Africa was psychologically and politically, absolutely, unacceptable to the colonial European powers. the had, as a consequence, engineered the deliberate obscurity of the history of the second largest continent on earth, even negating the facts if it served those puposes.
This work tells a history which will anger people with a Eurocentric outlook on the world. However, that is not considered a legitimate reason for the author to leave this history whre it is now - pushed under the carpet. Therefore, let us be witnesses to an odyssey through the past, which commences with the origin of man, then continues with the Nile Valley civilizations, the great migrations, the civilizations of East Africa, the achievements of the Moors, the civilizations of West Africa, and also the presence of Africans in the Americas long before Christopher Columbus was brought to the surface. This work lays continuous emphasis on what Africans have created by themselves, for, the less credible historians were mainly interested in which elements of 'civilization' Europeans had introuced into Africa, suggesting that there were no developments of note in Africa before the arrival of the Europeans. This book, however, shows another side of the story, both literally and figuratively speaking. This document puts the Eurocentric view of Africa, which many have internalized, completely upside down.'
Djehuti Ankh-Kheru
The Grapevine Publications
Tel: (0031) (0) 615527841
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